& elopements
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Do you want to do things differently?
You're getting married! YAAAYY!! When you think about your wedding day, what does it look like? Do you want to create an unforgettable day that fits your personalities like a glove? (Must read with Ace Ventura voice, ow yeah.) Does it include a sunset ceremony, crying tears of laughter during our one-on-one photoshoot and not caring about your dress getting dirty in the process? Do you get all excited about running away from every imaginable formality? I can't wait to hear your crazy ideas!
If you feel like I'm the one you want to create that (maybe a little unconventional) story with, please let me know!

Say hello!
Send me a message through my contact form and I'll send you a detailed pricing guide. Wedding coverage starts at €4450.
Let's have coffee.
Or tea. Because I don't really like coffee. Let's meet in Ghent to talk about my 17 imaginary cats, whether cereal is soup or not and (most importantly) your wedding plans.

Slay the Paperwork Monster.
Or simply sign the contract to make sure you claim that spot in my agenda.
Enjoy the ride!
I'm happy to help wherever I can, before ànd during your wedding day. Looking for wedding planner recommendations? Hit me up. Having a hard time choosing the color of your picnic blanket? I'm a pro. Forgot how to tie your shoelaces? I've got you. Thirsty? On my way!
E-what? According to the dictionary it means "running away" (without telling anyone), which I must admit doesn't sound as appealing or romantic as the fairytale weddings we're used to, haha. The definition of eloping has changed over time though. Nowadays, an elopement is actually a tiny, hassle-free and possibly cheaper way to get married.
If you don't care too much about large celebrations, seating charts, shaking hands all day or reciting your vows in front of all of your friends and family, an elopement might be the solution to the problem you never knew you had.
The beauty of an elopement is that there are endless options as to where and how it takes place. It's completely up to you. Elopements can happen on an epic location in the middle of nowhere, in the public park where you had your very first date, heck, even in your bed! Just you and your loved one (and in some cases a few extra VVVIP guests. Preferably not in the bed though.)
If you feel like using a lot of exclamation points after reading all of this, it might be a good idea to send those over to me so we can talk this through.